Restriction Code

Unlock codes for a HTC Desire [how to]

There are a few reasons why you might want to obtain HTC Desire unlock codes, the first of which will be so that you can use any SIM card in your mobile at any time. This gives a certain flexibility as you will be able to use your cell on any GSM network, which is great news when you’re traveling around and perhaps don’t get good coverage on your normal network.

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Unlock codes for a HTC Wildfire: [video]

Imagine the scenario, you’ve just purchased a nice shiny new HTC Wildfire and you discover that you have to go abroad for a few months. However, you like your new phone and would much rather take it with you but you know that you can’t use it abroad with your carrier as it will cost you a fortune in roaming charges. The solution? Finding a HTC unlock code and removing the SIM lock that was imposed by the manufacturer on behalf of your carrier.

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Unlock codes for a Samsung Galaxy S: no skills required

Samsung mobile phones have traditionally been amongst the easiest to unlock on the market and the S series is no exception. The unlock code on the Galaxy S is actually built into the handset; usually unlock codes are generated by a server owned by the manufacturer and they’re unique to each phone. However, Galaxy S phones have the unlock code hidden in a .bak file on the handset, which means that you can use an app to unlock the cell.

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