The LG GT540, known variously as the GT540 Swift or the GT540 Optimus, is an Android-based smartphone from LG. Released in 2010, this mid-range smartphone was designed to appeal to people who were buying their first smartphone. It received a warm reception from reviewers, who felt that it delivered exactly what it promised and then some.
First time smartphone buyers might not be expected to hack their phones. However, they may still want to take advantage of the GSM capabilities of the phone, allowing them to use the phone with any GSM carrier in the world. This can be especially useful when travelling, allowing you to pop in a local SIM card from a local GSM carrier in your destination country for the length of your stay, then revert back to your regular service once you return home. Unfortunately, as the phone is shipped, you can’t do that, since it contains a SIM lock.
The good news for neophyte smartphone users is that unlocking the LG cell phone doesn’t require any complex hacking, or cabled connections to a computer running specialized programs. Instead, you just type in the specific unlock code for the phone, and the phone unlocks itself. The reason for this is because LG manufactures the phones unlocked. Then, at the request of the carriers who are selling the phones at a deep discount, and want to be sure they get their money back, LG locks the phones so that they will only work with that carrier. Since the phone was locked by entering an LG lock code, you can easily reverse it by entering the matching LG unlock code.
Your carrier may give you the LG unlock code for free, if you’ve had the phone long enough that they’ve gotten their money back on it. Just stop by their store or call their customer service number.
Another way to get the unlock code for the phone, although not for free, is to purchase unlock codes from third party reseller online. They’ll look up your IMEI number in the same database your carrier would use, and send you the unlock codes you need for unlocking the LG cell phone. You can unlock the LG Swift just by taking out your old SIM card, allowing you to unlock the phone now then pick up a SIM card from a local cell phone store at your destination.
Once you receive the unlock code, you can unlock your LG Swift by simply following these steps.
1. Power off your phone.
2. Remove your existing SIM card.
3. Power on your phone.
4. Press the Call button.
5. Enter the following string of numbers and characters: 2945#*540#
6. Simply enter the unlock code you were given.
If you already have a new SIM card, you can insert it before powering on the phone (between steps 2 and 3), and skip right to step 6.
You can now use your LG Swift with any GSM carrier.
Hey there Concerning a Samsung M8800 Pixon I have it on contract from Red Canada and I need unlocked blackberry storm 2
Can u give me my unlock code
What is the make and model of phone?
Unlock network code for LG540….
Pls give me unlock code for LG gt 540, IMEI 352166042218837
Need unlock code for LG Optimus GT540 The IMEI is 352166046591866
unlock code for LG540 imei 352166044786922
Hello people, so nobody is around to give me an unlock code for LG Optimus GT540 with IMEI 352166046591866? Please help.
Bonjour, je souhaite obtenir mon code de dévérouillage pour mon LG Optimus Gt540.
Voici mon Imei: 352166044123100.
Merci de faire au plus vite!
Can you help me about my unlock code for LG gt540… ime-352166048316742
Pls give me unlock code for LG gt 540, IMEI 352166040735626 Orange – Slovakia
IMEI: 352 166 043 816 530
Pls, please give the unlock code for LG GT540 IMEI: 352166043739831
Can you give me the unlock code for a LG GT540 imei 352166048471869. Thank you.
Please can you give me the unlock code for an LG Gt 540
Please can you give me the unlock code for an LG Gt 540
Hola, si serias tan amble de conseguir los códigos de desbloqueo de Lg Gt 540 Optimus. Es de Movistar Argentina mi número de IMEI es 352168043930006. Desde ya muchas gracias si deseas te dejo mi mail asi responda ahi—-> [email protected]
please can you give me my unlock code for LG540gt IMEI 352166044786922
could i please have unlock code for lg gt 540 imei 352166046507425
Can you please provide the unlock code for my LG540? IMEI is 352166045370452
Thanks in advance
Can you give me my unlock code to LG GT 540?
Here is my IMEI: 355614-04-210621-0
Thanks, Best Regards
Pls give me unlock code for LG-P990
imei: 358456040171508
Please unlock code for LG-P990
IME: 358456040171508
Hola quisiera desbloquear mi lggt540 con personal de Argentina el IMEI es 352168044134152. si me puedes conseguir el código te lo agradezco, mi email es [email protected]
Hello guys :)
1+ for the great guide and 1+ for the website on G+.
if y can send me a free unlock code it will help me a lot
IMEI 355614-04-005995-7 [email protected]
thank you
Can you tell me my unloc code ?