Fed up with your current network operator and want to find out what the best Vodafone mobile plans are? The days of mobile phones being bought purely for calls and messaging are long gone. Thanks to advancements in technology, the latest smartphones now come with stunning displays, larger screen and processors that can handle pretty much anything.
One of the most exciting advancements in mobile technology is the invention of 4G.
With great internet speeds, users can now enjoy a range of activities on their phone from watching live television to online gaming. File sharing has never been easier and downloading music and movies can be done in the blink of an eye. Thankfully, most of the major mobile providers are keeping up and there is now a great choice of handsets to choose from that are 4G ready. So we have put together a list of the best contract options available for the the best Vodafone mobile plans with 4G in the UK
iPhone 5C £39.17
With no upfront fee you can have the latest phone from Apple. The 5C has slightly lower specs than the iPhone 5 but it’s still a great phone. With unlimited calls and messaging, this plan comes with 4GB of data. There are cheaper options around, however most come with much less data and if you are going to be making the best of your 4G signal, you will need as much as possible.
Nokia Luma £28.33:
Complete with unlimited texts, messaging and 2GB of data, this plan comes with a free handset. A reasonably good plan, its only real limitation is data. 2GB won’t go very far so this is only ideal if you plan limited use of your 4G. Checking your social network and downloading the odd tune will be just fine, just don’t go downloading loads of movies or playing WoW for hours or you could find a huge bill or your doorstep.
Samsung Galaxy S4 £47
The monthly plan isn’t cheap but you do get the handset for free as well and unlimited calls and texts. There is 4GB of data which isn’t bad and no upfront fee so ideal if you are desperately in need of a new smartphone, but don’t have loads of spare cash to hand.
When choosing a smartphone it really makes sense to give a lot of thought to the plan as well.
While it can be very easy to get caught up in just the phone, some plans will save you a lot of money. If you are considering using you phone for downloading a lot, then you should get a good data plan. Although some data plans do seem expensive, the extra cost involved if you exceed your daily allowance can really add up. Take some time to look at how much you will be charged for going over and make sure you get a plan that will leave you paying as little as possible. It often pays to over estimate how much you are going to pay and not the other way around. Armed with this data you can now decide what the best Vodafone mobile plans with 4G for you in the UK.